
Hi, My name is Sharma Yelverton. I am a London based UX Designer. I am passionate about designing amazing user experiences that drive viable business benefits. I like working in creative and collaborative environments where together, we can build great things and drive real innovation.

View my CV and Portfolio ››

What I do

At the heart of things I consider myself a creative. I’ve been working professionally for 8+ years and during that time I’ve gained hands on experience working in User Experience, Service Design, Visual Design and Front End Development. However, everything that I’ve done is fundamentally driven by the ideologies of User Centered Design.

  • Ethnographic Research
  • Persona Development
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Co-creation Workshops
  • Journey Mapping
  • Service Blueprinting
  • User Testing
  • Information Architecture
  • Interaction & UI Design
  • Visual Design
  • Prototyping
  • HTML, CSS, JQuery, JS
  • Responsive UI Development
  • Wordpress Customisation & PHP

Some of the People I've Worked With

Throughout my career I've worked eaqually agency side and client side. I have extensive experience working with a diversity of b2b and b2c brands across a number of business sectors both domestic and international.

About Me

I am a passionate and highly driven person. I most enjoy working in a collaborative environment with like minded people where collectively we can challenge ourselves and drive towards innovation.

Aside from my career in UCD I am also a practicing film music composer (see yelvertonmusic.com). I have been passionate about music ever since my childhood and play piano and percussion.

My favourite way to stay in shape is rock climbing. I frequent the London climbing gyms and when weather and time permits I like to head out in search of some high cliffs.